TV cameras at the vineyard

Gemma on BBC EMT camera films Liz pruning

We have been worried about the delayed ripening of all the grape bunches. The vines are bearing their biggest crop ever and Liz had spent more of her precious pension lump sum on two 650 Litre stainless steel wine tanks in anticipation of a bumper harvest.

BBC Radio Leicester have done a short story on the unripe grapes today (2-9-2015) at 07.45hr.ย This broadcast might possibly be repeated on Farming Today.

In the evening BBC East Midlands Today will broadcast the results of filming at the vineyard at 18.30hr. Julia Tristrum Eve from English Winegrowers gave an interview at the same time, here at the vineyard.

Liz is absolutely exhausted this morning. Is this due to the adrenaline surge from media appearances, or is this a result of worrying about the unripe grapes?






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