Vineyard Tours and Tutored Wine Tasting

We offer vineyard tours and tutored wine tastings for a price of £28/guest.

Our 2025 Tours for March & April are now available to book – see below.

All tours and tastings include:

  • A glass of our Elderflower wine on arrival
  • A guided tour of the vineyard and winery
  • A tutored wine tasting with a flight of still wines
  • The whole event lasts approximately 2 hours

We offer a non-drinking option of a tour of the vineyard and winery only for guests who don’t wish to drink or are too young to drink. These places are £12/guest.

Please complete the form to the right to book your place(s) for the dates shown. Please use the scroll bar to right to view all dates and the contact details

We will then email you an invoice for your booking. Once paid by BACS, we will send you your tickets.


We look forward to seeing you soon. Cheers!

In order to see the available dates more easily, the times are hidden. Click on the down arrow to the right of the desired date to reveal the available tour times.