Category: Uncategorized
Day 90 Toilet Extension
At last it stopped raining. Second wheelchair ramp almost completed, but more work needed to join it to the existing block paving.
Rothley Church – Elderflower Wine
Spent the day making more elderflower wine. The one that is ahead in the fermentation stakes is the carboy (see photo) made by Rothley Church Youth Group. Cannot believe it is 2 weeks since their visit – and they sent me ever such a nice card.
Needle and Pin
King Richard is suitably cool in the wine fridge at The Needle & Pin micropub (The Rushes, Loughborough) having been delivered there less than a week ago. He is clearly appreciated in this popular micropub, judging by the sales figures. I had better get some more bottles labelled!
Day 89
Dry, still day. Perfect for spraying. Now can I get the garden tractor round? Errrr…no!
Day 88
Stopped raining apart from occasional drizzle. Builders opened pack of slabs – wrong ones have been sent!! Unable to complete second wheelchair ramp. So, earth moving done instead to raise ground height in line with first wheelchair ramp. Added bonus – the awful ruts have been covered up.