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Beacon Mag Comp photos
One of the winners has sent in some photos. memories of a very happy day.
Awards Ceremony at Vintners Hall London
Liz went to London where the UK Vineyards Association wine competition awards were presented at the splendid Vintners Hall. The Worshipful company of Vintners are one of the oldest livery companies of London and it was a privilege to be allowed over their hallowed threshold. It was a great moment to receive the bronze medal…
Beacon Magazine Winners Enjoy Wine Tasting
Helen from Quorn and Sue from Leicester came with their friends for a vineyard tour and wine tasting. They brought some lovely sunshine with them! After a leisurely stroll the vineyard, accompanied by two hens, they were shown the winery and the wine making process explained. Then a short walk to the terrace for a…
Beacon North & Central Magazines Competition
Both winners, with friends, are due to visit the vineyard on Sunday for a tour, wine tasting, and to collect a mystery gift. So….. I am been practising some present wrapping non-skills. I hope they like them!
Tucking Down Party
The recent rain and sun resulted in a mass of vine growths with shoots growing horizontally and obscuring the vine alleys. On Saturday our stalwart volunteers came to lend a hand, and three quarters of the vineyard was “tucked down” in one day, with lovely sunshine abounding in an otherwise rainy week. This hard toil…