Category: Uncategorized

  • Day 70 Toilet Extension.

    The builders have gone and put block paving all over our play “scratchy, scratchy” sand pit. Spoilsports!

  • Day 65 Toilet Extension

    The hens are in trouble! Builders spent ages spreading quarry waste then topping with sand which was carefully levelled. All ready for the wacker and block paving tomorrow. However, along came six hens who had a great game of scratchy scratchy enjoying the warm sand trickling between their toes. They are now in the depths…

  • Day 61 Toilet Extension

    Had a great time doing presentation and wine tasting with the Oadby Rotary Group (see Events page) and returned home to find handrails up in the toilet, lovely sparkly ceiling lights, heater and extractor fan in situ.

  • Day 60 Toilet Extension

    Toilet plumbed in. Work on heater has started. Really busy doing talks with wine tasting at three WI in evenings. – see Events page.

  • Day 59 Toilet Extension

    Grouting done. Plumber due tomorrow.